Waldemar Parents

Honor Code

A very important part of Waldemar’s success is the pledge we all make to uphold the Waldemar Honor Code.
  • Positive Participation- abiding by the rules and respecting the traditions of Waldemar. Penalty at the
    discretion of the Director. The consequences can be from a permanent minus on her record card to being
    dismissed. Attitude is your choice.
  • Food- no food, drinks, candy or gum possessed or eaten except as served by Waldemar. Penalty: Loss of 1/4 points.
  • Electronics- possession of those prohibited by Waldemar. Penalty: Loss of 1/4 points.
  • Smoking and Vaping- smoking or possession of tobacco products, i.e. cigarette, juuls. Penalty: Loss of all points and camper is sent home.
    Alcohol or drugs- use or possession of drugs or alcohol. Penalty: Loss of all points and camper is sent home and
    authorities notified.
  • Waldemar promotes a wholesome atmosphere for campers. Tattoos and piercings, other than earlobes, are unacceptable

Waldemar has the right to search personal content at any time. Breaking the honor code may lead to
loss of points on a camper’s record card, loss of her All-Star, loss of office, privileges in war canoe and possible
dismissal from camp.