Waldemar Alumnae

Once a Waldemar Girl
Always a Waldemar Girl
Whether you attended Waldemar as a camper, served on staff or attended Waldemar Women’s Week we’d love to stay in touch throughout the year. Register as an Alumna to get the latest happenings at Waldemar, newsletters, announcements and more!
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“I want you to know the importance that place holds in all of our hearts—whether we’re there or not. Waldemar summers will forever be etched into my mind with girls shouting and paddling as hard and fast as they can in War Canoe, while the rest of the camp cheers them on, the cold of the tin ice cream bowls in the dining hall, the sounds of shuffling into Tejas Chapel on a Sunday morning. And just walking quietly underneath the Texas sky back to my kampong at the end of a day. You all have taken such great care of thousands of girls over the years. And still are.”